Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Seanshine!

We started our evening at Zellas....
Jason had the 'Chop Chop'
I had the trout.
Three candles for twenty three years!
Mom asked that the cake had 'boy colors' which apparently means asparagus green and some shade of blue grey that appears to be a mistake.
Mom singing Happy Birthday in only the way she can....

At this point, Ashley and I open up a bottle of beer to share. We decided to split it because we were both to scared to drink our own bottle.  Just the smell has turned her off to it..... but I am not scared because there are very few beers I don't like...
As we bring the drink to our lips, mom is saying 'SMILE!'. This was the best we could do.
The beer. Banana Bread. The verdict? Ashley was not won over.  I enjoyed it, and when I burped later that night it tasted like bananas. Would I get it again? Probably not, but thats more because it as $4.95 for the bottle.
Here we see the birthday boy eating his cake.  Cashwise cake. 
See my piece below.... it was good. But we made the horrible mistake of reading the nutrition information. 
Hope you had a happy happy day baby brudder!!!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!!!

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