Tuesday, February 9, 2010

No, I have not 'Lost all Blogging Hope'

Instead of updating I've been working on a little project. I missed Christmas this year, and by missed, I mean I didn't have room to be all Christmasy in my house. Our refrigerator was in our living room, and thus I chose to not partake in the sending of Christmas cards. I've been working recently on getting a Valentines out.... So if you were one of those who thought we snubbed you by not sending you a Christmas card... we snubbed everyone. So what does Valentine card making require??

Water color colored pencils...
Glitter, ribbon, and glue. Because no self respecting Valentine card maker would dare make them sans glitter.
Lost of hand addressed pink envelopes. I think I need to make address labels.
And of course, stamps and ink.
Oh yea, and we picked this bad boy up on Sunday. I actually hugged the box and told this keyboard I loved it. In front of my husband. Oopies!

1 comment:

The Beals said...

FINALLY! I was wondering what you've been up to. ;P