Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tag, I'm it

The rules...

1)Post the rules on your blog.
2)Write 6 random things about yourself
3)"tag" 6 people you think should also look deep into their soul to share 6 random things
4)And if you're "tagged" just do it.

1. Along the same lines as my wife, I hate cleaning showers.

2. I love to vacuum. It is very calming.

3. I hate heights, but it never stops me from the tallest roller coaster. Along those same line I also really dislike high bridges. Especially the bridge to Canada in Port Huron, Michigan.

4. I am deathly afraid of snakes. Try to scare me with one and you might just end up in very poor shape physically.

5. My favorite sports teams in order
1. Gopher Hockey Team (Only the hockey team, other sports don't count)
2. Twins (Even in the late 90's I watched everygame)
3. Wild (What they do with a puck is amazing)
4. Vikings (Kendra loves them just ask her)
5. Any team that is currently playing the Yankees. (F the Skankees, clap clap clapclapclap)

6. I have many driving pet peeves.
1. Use your turn signal even when changing lanes.
2. Move in to the turn lane as soon as it starts.
3. Drive in the right lane, pass in the left. I know everyone is the fastest driver in Minnesota.
4. Get off your cell phone. Everyone sucks at driving with a phone on their ear. Me included.
5. Learn how to merge. It is your responsibility to move over or open a spot for the car coming
from the on ramp. Not the other way around.
6. Accelerate when merging on to a freeway. I don't care what your excuse is, your petal
better be to the floor. I don't feel like getting ran over.

I don't have anyone to tag.

1 comment:

The Beals said...

Huh, I wouldn't have taken you for a vacummer ... I'm trying to picture it ... no. I don't see it. hehe
